2nd EUROSUNMED Roadmap Workshop

Welcome to EURSOUNMED RoadMap workshop - November 15th, Palm Plaza Hotel & SPA, Marrakech http://www.eurosunmed.eu

 EUROSUNMED project takes the opportunity of IRSEC’16 conference and COP22 to organize its 2nd ROADMAP workshop.

 The purpose of this one-day event is to launch discussions on appropriate actions for long-standing cooperation between academic and industry partners from EU and MPCs in the area of solar energy. This is a key element for sustainable and efficient relationships.


The discussions will concern the demands of the « solar » industry as well as the needs in research infrastructure, education and training and dissemination activities for a large deployment of solar energy in MENA countries and beyond. The workshop will also address the funding instruments available or suited for such developments.


The keynote talks are by invitation only. 

 The workshop programme will be announced soon.


The workshop is free of access to fully registered attendees of IRSEC’16 conference and the discussions are open to all.

 A one day registration fee (including coffee breaks and lunch) to attend only the workshop will be also available.


 visit http://med-space.org/irsec16/