EMCMRE-3: Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Materials and Renewable Energies


EUROSUNMED participated in the "Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Materials and Renewable Energies" (EMCMRE) which was held in Marrakech (Morocco) from 2 to 6 November 2015. The conference was dedicated to Materials and Renewable Energies with an emphasis on nanoscience, nanotechnology and renewable energies and the overall goal was to strengthen relationships between materials scientists from Europe and MENA countries.


More than 150 scientists from 12 countries worldwide attended the event. The audience was composed of professors, researchers and engineers from universities, engineering schools and research institutes. PhD and Master's students from both sides of the Mediterranean sea were also present. Plenary and key note talks were given on last developments on advanced materials for energy production (photovoltaics, fuel cells etc), storage (batteries etc) and energy saving. The proceedings of the conference will be published in an international journal.

For more information here: http://www3.emcmre.com/index.html



Download the conference proceedings here